2013-2014 LCSS Exemplary Library Media Program
2011-2012 LCSS Exemplary Library Media Program

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday: Readers Meet Their Goals!

LES readers exceeded their goal of reading 6,000 books.  What was the secret challenge?  Mr. Anderson gets a pie to the face.  Way to go readers!  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday: Becoming a Community of Readers

A first grader tells about his favorite book.

Mrs. Dunn's class loves to read!
Talking about our favorite books.

Showing off our favorite books with style...

...and a smile!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday: All Aboard the Reading Train!

There's nothing like a good book!

5th grade students in Ms. Martin's class are busy reading.

Digital reading- exploring new types of media.

Something for everyone.

LES staff members are readers too!

High five for reading!

That moment when you read a good book!

Good books are better with good friends.

Reading... Kindergarten style!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Book Week is Here!

                                        Children’s Book Week

                                              November 16-20

Help us celebrate participating in the following activities and challenges:


Book Challenge:  IF students read 6,000 books, Mr. Anderson and Dr. Faircloth will surprise students by participating in a secret challenge!


Monday:  Students and staff will form a Reading Train as they read together in the hallway for 20 minutes.


Tuesday:  I Love Books!  Students and teachers will share their favorite books with each other as students create “My Favorite Book” tags to wear on their ID lanyards.


Wednesday:  Guest Reader Day- Students will enjoy visits from military readers as visitors read their favorite books to students.


Thursday:  Book Character Dress up Day- Students and staff may dress up as their favorite book character.  Students who dress up must bring the book with the character in it to school with them on this day. 


Friday:   “Orange” you excited about reading? - Students and staff may wear as much orange as possible on this day in order to celebrate Unity Day and reading!  In the morning, instruction will continue as usual.  In the afternoon, students will return to their homeroom class to read and take AR quizzes for the remainder of the day.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Building Better Readers... Book by Book!

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!  We are busy getting the media center ready by processing new books, reading Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl titles, and preparing our iPads for checkout.  In addition, we are adding a new iPad/iRead spot to our library, so stay tuned for pictures and updates!  Parents, if you have a rising 4th grader or a new 5th grader that needs an Apple ID, please print this permission slip and bring it to the media center, if you have not done so already.  If you need a copy of the permission slip, we have them available!  Teachers, soon the media center handbook and a media lessons calendar will be available to you online.  Everything you need to know about using the LES Media Center will just be a mouse click away.  We are excited about the new school year as we "Build Better Readers... Book by Book!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Snow Day!!!

Students who met all three of their AR goals had a wonderful time playing in the snow on January 16, 2015.  We are so proud of all of the 219 students who participated.  Way to go, LES cubs!